How to boost immunity…

With searches for ‘boosting immunity’ reaching an all-time high during the peaks of the pandemic, many of us have been turning to the healing powers of natural remedies more than ever before. As we navigate this new normality and edge towards the colder months, it’s important we have a healthy immune system.

One of the most important factors of having good immunity I’ve found is avoiding any kind of burnout. Running out of energy is usually caused by high stress levels so if you’re able to keep these low then your immune system will be all the better for it! Harvard Health actually found that having a relaxation response towards stress actually reduces the negative effects it would otherwise have on the body. Enter spa breaks…

Taking a step back from your busy life and switching off for a while can work wonders! I like to book spa days once a month to ensure that I can reset my mind, body, and soul regularly. For me, working in a spa with ease of access, I find this manageable but if time doesn’t allow, even just an afternoon here and there will make a world of difference to your health.

Below I’ve listed out my favourite spa treatments here at The Spa at Bedford Lodge Hotel to get you started on your immunity-boosting wellness journey!

Tension Release Massage: from 60 minutes for £99

A firm pressure massage using the forearms and stretching techniques, this treatment releases tension, unblocks unwanted energy in the body, and soothes any pains. Incorporating hot stones for the muscles that need some extra TLC, this is a deep, warming massage. this treatment leaves me feeling light as a feather.

The Bowen Technique: 60 minutes for £50

As a non-invasive remedial therapy, The Bowen Technique uses gentle thumb and finger pressure in circular motions over the muscles and soft tissue. Aiming to make subtle adjustments to the body, this treatment causes the body to essentially repair and balance itself. To reach real levels of pain relief, increased energy and improvement of function, people will usually have to have three to four of these treatments.

Reflexology (pricing dependent on needs)

Reflexology is a deeply relaxing holistic practice that treats the mind, body, and emotions. Originating in Egypt nearly 5,000 years ago, it is now a modern treatment to relieve stress, sleeping problems and body pain. Working on a specific area of the body at one time, tensions are broken down by direct pressure, which allows a free flow of physical, mental and spiritual energy. By clearing blockages, the body can maintain a healthier balance and heal the immune system. This is one is a regular go-to for me!

A few of my other easy non-spa-related immunity-boosting tips:

  • Two words: digital detox! We should all be detaching from our phones and screens a little more often as time away from our digital devices can improve sleep and lower anxiety levels.
  • Stay active – A 2019 scientific review in the Journal of Sport and Health Science found that exercise can improve your immune response, lower illness risk, and reduce inflammation.
  • Eat Healthy – You are what you eat. Maintaining a healthy diet keeps the immune system balanced and ready to fight against infection and viruses.
  • Practise Mindfulness – I try to meditate regularly as it always helps me destress, declutter my mind and quieten my busy thoughts.
  • Sleep routine – Getting enough sleep is crucial to having a fit immune system. I aim for at least seven hours a night and wear a sleep mask to help me wind down for the evening.
  • Stay hydrated – While this doesn’t directly keep you safe from germs, you are more likely to fall ill when you are dehydrated so, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water every day!

To book any spa treatments visit

Let me know in the comments which tips you’ll be trying!


Rebecca x